Slow Food Mt. Fuji
In Kakishima Trout Farm Co., Ltd.
125-1 Shinden, Kannami-town, Takata-gun,
Shizuoka Prefecture 419-0115, Japan
E-Mail; slowfood.mt.fuji2018@gmail.com
TEL; +81-90-4525-3430 (Direct office staff in charge)

Welcome to

SLOW FOOD Mt. Fuji is founded in Feb.1st, 2018.
The area around Mt. Fuji possess warm weather, rare geography, beautiful water sources, and rich nature. We have gathered members participating in businesses to continuously spread information of local food/culture, and activate the local area.


The 5th owner of
Kanesa Dried Bonito Store,
founded in 1882.
He was handed down the making of Shio-katsuo (Bonito Preserved in Salt/registered in the Ark of Taste in 2014), only made in Tago region of Nishi-Izu Town, located on the west coast of Izu Peninsula of Shizuoka Prefecuture. As activities to keep the tradition of Shio-katsuo, he carried out nutrition workshops, planed the local gourmet “Nishi Izu Shio-katsuo Udon”, and developed various products using Shio-katsuo.
Not limited to food events in the country, he also participated aggressively in AsiO Gusto (2013), the Japanese food event in Florence, Italy (2014), Milano Expo (2014), and “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto”(2014/2018), an international food event of SLOW FOOD for public relations.
Representative Director:
Yasuhisa Serizawa
(Kanesa Dried Bonito Store)

Slow Food Mt.Fuji
In Kakishima Trout Farm Co.,Ltd,
125-1 Shinden, Kannami Town, Tagata gun, Shizuoka Prefecture 419-0115,Japan.
Mail: slowfood.mt.fuji2018@gmail.com
TEL: +81-90-4525-3430 (Direct Office Staff in charge:Tanaka)